Upcoming and Played Games

Our tickets are sold through Brown Paper Tickets.

Tickets £5 in advance. £8 on the door, or £6 for over 60′s and unwaged people.

All tickets for all games free for under 14′s and disability leisure access card holders (+ carers).

Got questions? email communications@arrg.co.uk

Are you a community group who fancies coming along? Email us and we can see about a ticket deal.

School of ARRG Knocks: ARRG Beginner and Intermediate Bootcamp!

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6 Oct 2012
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Meadowbank Sports Centre

Other stuff

Welcome to the ‘School of ARRG Knocks’, where you’ll get a full day of schooling in all the skills you need to play the fine sport of roller derby. From tactics sessions, to jumping and juking; from shoulder checks to checking your kit, we’ve got it all.

‘School of ARRG Knocks’ is a bootcamp for all minimums passed skaters, based at a beginner and intermediate level, with a day long referee bootcamp running alongside.

This bootcamp would suit a range of skaters, from those who want to get their first taste of a scrimmage to those who want to build on their bouting experience and take their game to the next level.


The day will see:

- two tracks running sessions for different levels with coaches from Auld Reekie Roller Girls’ All Star Travel Team

- off skates strategy, skate maintenance, fitness and league structure sessions for a well rounded derby individual

- a day-long referee bootcamp (good for NSOs too!) with WFTDA certified official and Head Referee of Leeds Roller Dolls, Boris Snarloff.

- a graduation scrimmage where you can put all of your amazing new skills to good use!

- an amazing not-to-be-missed afterparty…better than your average school disco!

Don’t miss out on this exciting chance to graduate from the School of ARRG Knocks! Get your ticket today from: http://schoolofarrgknocks.eventbrite.com/

Skater Ticket (Minimums passed skater)£35.00

Referee Ticket £25.00

Off Skates Referee/NSO Ticket (This can be used for NSOs wishing to attend the referee training, or injured or off skates referees.) £10.00

Off Skates Skater Ticket (This can be used for injured skaters, non mins passed skaters or off skates coaches wanting to take notes.) £10.00

Find out more about the teams:

Final Score: