What is each section for?
Team ARRGIntroduce YourselfThe Place to tell us all about yourself
New Skater InformationOnly moderators can post here. This is not a discussion place, its for announcements only
New Skater ChatChat to fellow new skaters about New Skater things!
TrainingImportant information regarding training with ARRG
Look the PartWhere to buy stuff, advice on what to buy etc
Reffin RulesAsk the refs if you are confused about something to do with the WFTDA Rules
Contact usWhere to ask questions, only if you dont know who to contact. if you know you need to contact a certain committee or person, please do so by private message or email. (See "Finding People/Things" post)
Whats Going On?EventsHere will be all the info on Upcoming bouts, and any other events ARRG are hosting or attending that we think you may be interested in.
ARRG In The NewsLet us know if you've seen an article about us anywhere (provide a link if you can) or if you know we should look out for anything!
Shameless Self PromoThis is where you can let us know what you do outside of ARRG if you think its of interest to us.. do you own a business we can work with? Do you need volunteers for free massages? (or something).... Want to promote an event?
GeneralThe LoungeThis is a bit of a free for all, you can discuss anything in here. Please try to keep all the off topic stuff to this section only!
ClassifiedsIf you have something to sell (not just derby related, but stuff you think other ARRGers would like!) or if you would like to donate anything to our future fundraisers let us know here!
Help/RequestsIf you have any questions or issues with the Forum you can put it in here and the Forum Fairy will come to the rescue.
Charity NewsA place for the charity committee to let us all know whats happening
When you become a full member of ARRG you also get access to the following lovely
ARRG EYES ONLY which includes lots of juicy info on
Upcoming Bouts
Sponsorship Deals
Polling Booth
Governing Bodiesand other great stuff!
In the meantime you can get more involved with ARRG by joining a committee.. then youll get another lovely section added onto your forum viewing!