cool! well i will be there tomorrow and for sunday mins so whichever is best for you - i guess sunday is more likely if you're beating up some boys tomorrow? i might not be there on tues tho cos of work
Andy Clockwise wrote:
What's it doing/not doing? Have you recently installed anything and it's been slower/weird since then?
If it's totally pooped and won't play proper do you have the original operating system discs for restoring it? I'll be able to back up everything like iTunes and stuff and put it back after.AC
er... it's just being insanely slow and sometimes doesn't even start up and i have to take the battery out to restart it. that's been happening for ages. it crashed ages ago and wiped everything, and i managed to get it back and since then it said loads of the memory was being used even though there was nothing on it. *mysterious*
haven't installed anything recently. o2 started throttling us and our wireless went off so i reset it with the cd started thing and it worked and then stopped working and now won't pick up anything at all (but my netbook works with the ethernet cable so we are still connected).
i don't really know about operating system discs

i don't remember anything like that, i just bought it and it worked and stuff