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Bulletproof Glass
Post subject: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:34 pm |
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:17 pm Posts: 277 Location: Edinburgh
Hi all, advice wanted if you have any to spare...
I feel like my body can't keep up with my new found love of derby... first I buggered a knee and now I am getting some pretty horrible foot pain =O(
While skating and for the next couple of days I have sharp pain on the top of both feet (like if you drew a line from 2nd/3rd toe up to ankle, but closer to the ankle bit of the foot (OMG and I'm a medical person!?!)). I asked my husband as he use to play hockey and he asked if my skates were too tight... well I spend half of practice trying to make them tighter! I always feel like they are too loose, but they fit snug. Ugh, the only other thing I can think is that I have high arches and maybe that is making the boots feel too loose and maybe an insole would sort this??
ANY advice would be very greatly appreciated, I hate feeling old and useless during/after every practice!! lol
Oh and did I mention I <3 DERBY and totally don't want pain to stop this <3
Bullet :wcsmile2:
_________________ If it's illegal to wreck and roll, throw my ass in jail!
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Shootin Annie
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:58 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:26 pm Posts: 1843 Location: You can still call me Slam.
Hey Bullet,
Is the pain on top of your foot above the centre of your arch? I get this quite often (and also numbness). There is apparently a nerve that runs along the top of your foot, and it can cause problems if your skates press into it at that point.
What I've started doing is lacing my skates so I have one lace that does up the first 4/5 holes at the toe (and I keep this pretty loose), then I skip the set of holes that are right on that spot of my foot, and then I use a second lace to do up the top 3 sets of holes, which I do up quite tight. This hasn't completely stopped the pain, but it is MUCH better, and my feet almost never go numb now.
ALSO, skates that are too loose can cause all sorts of problems, because the tendancy is to unconsciously 'monkey foot', or clench your toes to compensate. You might not even realise you are doing this - try to remember to check if you are doing it next time to skate. I caught myself doing this loads when I bought my first skates that were a size and a half too big!
If you do a search on Skatelog forum for foot pain, there are LOADS of posts about this (this is how I figured out how to change the lacing of my skates).
Hope that helps a bit! We seem to be mirroring eachother's hurty bits
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Shootin Annie
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:00 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:26 pm Posts: 1843 Location: You can still call me Slam.
ps, I can show you next time I see you if my explanation is unclear.
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Death Biffo
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:07 pm |
Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:48 am Posts: 77 Location: Edinburgh
bullet, i was getting random foot pains & numbness too, but i found lacing my skate loose around the toe (like shootin? shoots? hoots?) and a bit tighter at the ankle helped alot. also some sports/impact absorbing insole thingies. GOLD.
_________________ grr, ARRG!
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Hymen Trouble
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:23 pm |
Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:35 pm Posts: 331 Location: in the pack, with a pantie on my head
Yeah, I have foot pain ALL THE TIME since starting. My pain is mainly in the underside of my arches tho ( really hurts when walking)
The pain was firstly like you, on the top and where the joints by my ankles are.
I also have 2 sets of laces now, so toes are loose-ish and the tope set tight.
I am also going to go see a chiropodist/podiatrist and get them to look at my feet, and I may get personalized insoles.
I think I have funny arches too
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Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:34 pm |
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2009 5:09 pm Posts: 5084 Location: All over you like a rash...
I double lace too! 
_________________ The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
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Bulletproof Glass
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:01 am |
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:17 pm Posts: 277 Location: Edinburgh
OK the double lacing I can totally do... and I think I'll get a pair of insoles to try and see if that helps too...I'm not sure if I monkey foot, but will pay attention on Friday... THANKS! I have new pain-free foot hope =O)
Bullet x
PS if that's true Slam, what fresh hell can I look forward to pain wise... :wcconfused:
_________________ If it's illegal to wreck and roll, throw my ass in jail!
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Crotch Lightning
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:12 am |
Joined: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:47 pm Posts: 1746
i'll show you some foot strengthening exercises! they eliminate the monkey claw. and probably everything else too. haha. your feet are the foundation of everything, it's just as important to stretch and exercise them as it is to do your quads/glutes/hamstrings!
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Bulletproof Glass
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:46 pm |
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2010 1:17 pm Posts: 277 Location: Edinburgh
That would be amazing Jazz!! Thank you very much... stupid feet! =OP
_________________ If it's illegal to wreck and roll, throw my ass in jail!
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Surly Valentine
Post subject: Re: Foot pain... ie pain in the Foot Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:53 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:51 pm Posts: 175 Location: Edinburgh
Oooh, can I learn those foot exercises too? My foot pain has been crippling from day 1, and not even insoles or the double-lace trick has helped.
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