Hi there!
My name is Gemma aka Gem aka Biffy Devine. I'm fairly new to derby and very new to Edinburgh. I started roller derby in January this year with the Central Coast Roller Girls
http://centralcoastrollergirls.com.au/ back home in NSW, Australia. They are a really new league having started in October last year and are growing which is awesome!! Anyways, I'm here to live/work/travel for the next two years and would dearly love to keep up with my "derby skills" while I'm here!
I had never played a team sport before (except at high school) and once I started roller derby it felt like a huge gap had been filled that I didn't even know existed. It was such an amazing buzz being around women from all walks of life who were supporting and encouraging one another!! After thinking I was hooked just from training, CCRG had their first bout in April where Biffy Devine made her debut and I was well and truly hooked!
So at the moment, I'm looking for a job and I'm gearless (trying to decide whether to buy new gear or have my gear sent from Aus) BUT I would love to somehow be involved with ARRG in the meantime, as much as prospective jobs/being gearless permits.
And if you're curious about my derby name - it's taken from Tilly Devine a notorious crime figure in Australia in the 1930's (you will see her glorified in an Underbelly TV series later on!)
Cheers Lovelies!
Derby Love x