Ankle Braces

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Ankle Braces

by Fury Eyes Only » Mon Mar 21, 2016 10:07 am

Hi guys,

I rather annoyingly sprained my ankle at scrims last Friday and I am thinking I will definitely need extra support when I get back on skates.
Do you have any good recommendations/advice on ankle braces? I have seen various ones online but not sure which ones would be more appropriate and comfortable with skates?

Thank you!

Fury Eyes Only
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Re: Ankle Braces

by Double D-Struction » Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:35 am

Hey pal,

Hope your ankle is OK.

So my physio told me ages ago that the best thing to do is to make sure you have ankle strength and to do that you have to skate without a brace. Constantly skaking in a brace doesn't give your ankle to time to build up the little muscles it needs to be ankle to do that. That said.. I would speak to a physio and get it checked out!

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Re: Ankle Braces

by Crazylegs » Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:39 pm

^ agree - speak to physio!
I saw one a couple of weeks ago about this in fact!
You'll get different levels of sprain and ligament damage that a physio can assess/advise on.

Advice I got was:

- Only really need to strap it up/wear a brace if it makes you feel more confident just now (but not to rely on it)
- Rest and ice every 2 hours for about a week while it's fresh
- Be super careful if there is still swelling; it makes it harder for your ankle to do it's job well; take ibruprofen or similar while it's fresh - but that it's not really worth taking this stuff if you're skating on it.
- Warm up ankles and calves really well before training (helps tendony bits be more flexible and less prone to injury)
- Do shit loads of proprioceptive exercise to strengthen it and avoid repeat injury - best one hands down, is eyes shut one leg balance and then also eyes shut one leg balance while doing stuff (waving arms about, moving other leg around)
Last edited by Crazylegs on Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ankle Braces

by Princess Die » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:24 pm

Yeah third that advice.

So when I sprained mine, I was put on crutches for a week and then told to weight bear as much as I could handle over a few days until it was comfortable and then basically use it as normal. I wasn't (meant to) skate for 6 weeks (I went back after 4, because Oslo - don't do that) and to use a brace if I felt like I needed it for confidence (I did for a couple of weeks) but then to absolutely use it.

Do those wee exercises all the time. Also whenever I am standing still, I stand on one leg. Every little helps eh.

Oh and physio. Get physio, it's great.
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Re: Ankle Braces

by Fury Eyes Only » Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:11 pm

Thank you!
Yep, physio is definitely on the cards I think.
Thanks for your advice and for the exercises, the swelling is finally starting to come down so I'm gonna start strengthening that ankle of mine again!
Hopefully I'll be back on skates soon!

Fury Eyes Only
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Re: Ankle Braces

by emKa » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:49 pm

Ive got armourflex that I used after my sprain, you can borrow it no problem, and its not technically a brace, so maybe something :)
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