I have received this email (email addresses removed for privacy). There is a flyer attached which I can forward on to Charity folk.
Are we able to request some flyers, or would this interfere with our already-chosen bout charity? Dont want to tread on any tootsies! Let me know what you think,
[email protected]Subject: ARRG PR - A message from Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Dear ARRG,
I am contacting you to ask for your help to promote breast awareness.
I am aware of ARRG as one of my friends Kelly, aka Moxie Emerald, is one of your skaters.
As October is breast cancer awareness month I thought it might be great if we could promote our TLC - Touch Look Check message. Ideally both with the team itself and also perhaps at Stop Jammertime on the 15th of October. Every year in Scotland over 4000 women and 20 men are diagnosed with breast cancer and 1000 women die from the disease. An early diagnosis is the best chance of survival from the disease. This is why it is so important to be breast aware.
I have attached one of our TLC leaflets for your information. We already have these printed up so there are absolutely no costs to this. What I would do is send you some leaflets one each for the team, the referees and a bundle that you could perhaps have on one of the desks at the bout itself.
We would love to do some joint press work if you wanted to go ahead. I had a thought of "ARRG get a Bout of TLC" but let me know what you think.
With best wishes,