ARRG is Edinburgh's only female flat track roller derby league, run entirely by skaters and volunteers, our motto is 'it's nice to be nice'.
We have lots of committees who exist to ensure every aspect of ARRG runs smoothly. These committees each have a Spokesperson whose job it is to feed into a monthly meeting called the 'Spokesy meeting'.
The committees are supported by The Board. The Board is made up of two Co Chair members voted in by the league, the Finance Spokesy (Treasurer) and 2 additional Spokesy's.
If you want to contact any of the committees or Board about anything to do with the running of ARRG, please use the email addresses below:
The Board:
Co-Chairs – Bruise and Jazz
Treasurer – Faerie Nuff
Board Member – Stitches
Board Member – Shootin' Annie
[email protected]Sports and Training Committee (training schedule, coaches, visiting skaters from other leagues)
[email protected]New Skater Committee (anything Fresh Meat oriented)
[email protected]Bout Management Committee (plan home and away bouts)
[email protected]Secretarial Committee (all things Membership list related)
[email protected]Finance (managing ARRG's money)
[email protected]Referee's (all things Ref and NSO related)
[email protected]Web Committee (web content & social media)
[email protected]Press & Promotion Committee (promoting the league)
[email protected]Sponsorship Committee (sponsorship deals, cross promotion)
[email protected]Grievance Committee (any internal issues)
[email protected]Merchandise (anything 'official ARRG merch' related)
[email protected]Design (all posters/flyers/events/headshots)
[email protected]WFTDA (official WFTDA league reps)
[email protected]Rec Team (committee that organises all rec team stuff)
f you want to email the COMMITTEE ONLY, email
[email protected]If you want to email ALL OF THE REC TEAM SKATERS, email
[email protected] If you want to get in touch with our home teams they can be reached at the following
Cherry Bombers
[email protected]Leithal Weapons
[email protected]Skatefast Club
[email protected]