
Auld Reekie Roller Girls train throughout the week, in a variety of different sessions, covering drills, agility, endurance and scrimmage time. If you are interested in coming to a session with the Auld Reekie Roller Girls, see how you can get involved. If you are a visiting skater or official interested in joining in on a session while in the area, please let us know through our contact form. Please note that visiting skaters may only train with us if prior arrangement is made.

We train at the following venues:

Tuesday evening
Advanced Training: Leith Academy

Wednesday evening
Intermediate Training: Jack Kane Sports Centre
Skate Skills 101: Holyrood High School

Thursday evening
Advanced Training: Jack Kane Sports Centre
Intermediate Training: Craigmount High School

Saturday afternoon
Scrimmage Training: Broughton High School

Sunday afternoon
Skate Skills 101: Jack Kane Sports Centre