As most people using the Forum will also use Twitter/Facebook/Myspace etc, the social networking policy should be read and be kept in mind when using social networks or this forum.
Be mindful of how you represent yourself on online social networks (including but not limited to Twitter, Facebook and Myspace). If you identify yourself as a member of ARRG in a social network, you should ensure that content associated with you as an identifiable ARRG member is consistent with your role in the organisation and doesn’t compromise ARRG’s brand and reputation. Try not to do or say anything in an online context that would bring ARRG into disrepute. Remember you are a representative and ambassador for the league and everything you do or say can reflect on the group as a whole. Represent ARRG in a positive way at all times
Some good tips are…
• Compliance: never disclose sensitive information in your posts, or publish information that will benefit other teams e.g talking about skaters who are injured, or discussing drills. • Disclaimer: If you are publishing information about ARRG or your role in ARRG you could use a disclaimer along the following lines: “The views expressed on this site are my own and don’t reflect the views of Auld Reekie Roller Girls†• Personal responsibility: you are personally responsible for content you publish into social media tools – remember that what you publish is public! • Authenticity: always be honest and open, but be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to people’s perceptions of ARRG as an organisation. If you make a mistake in a contribution, admit it and fix it! Honesty of this type quickly builds respect among other users. • Keep calm: don’t pick fights by escalating heated discussions but be conciliatory and respectful. Never contribute to a discussion if you are angry … leave it, calm down, and return to it at a later date when you can contribute in a calm and rational manner. • Personal judgement: if you feel even slightly uneasy about something you are about to publish, then the chances are you shouldn’t do it. Remember, the information you publish will be visible to other web users for a long time. • Discretion: don’t discuss competitors, or anyone else without their prior approval. • Respect: don’t use ethnic/sexual slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would be unacceptable in the ARRG family. Always consider others’ privacy and avoid discussing topics that may be inflammatory.
_________________ Bobscene  Behaviour
"I'm not insane...just selective about the reality I choose to accept..."