Putting Pictures on the Forum
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Author:  Bobscene Behaviour [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Putting Pictures on the Forum

If you want to put a picture on the forum.. and please, think carefully about whether you really want to... you will probably only use them in "The Lounge" as thats where the "Off-Topic" stuff goes then firstly you will have to upload it to an online place.. such as a photobucket account

On your photobucket when you click on the picture you wish to appear on the forum, on the left hand side of the screen, there are options for sharing the image.
There's an email & IM link, there's a direct link which starts http://, then there's the HTML code & lastly there's the IMG code

All you have to do is copy that IMG code & paste it into your message on here!
(including the image tags!)


Author:  Bobscene Behaviour [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Advanced putting pics on Forum!

I have added a new BBCode to the foum, so that if you want to add a picture to the forum you can hide it so that people have to click to see it. This is helpful for people who have already seen previous pictures in a thread, they dont have to click and the page will load faster, it will also be handy for mobile browsers..

Normally when adding a picture you would press either the URL button or the IMG button at the top of the message you are typing, which brings up this..


you then add in the url from photobucket into the {url}
or the http link into {img}

which brings up this...

as you can see this is a large picture, so you can now press the Spoiler AND the IMG buttons (spoiler first)
it will look vaguely like this

add your link as you did above (right in the middle of the codes).. and you get this (click SHOW)

Spoiler: show

Enjoy :FF:

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