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Fay Bentos 3.14
Post subject: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:05 pm |
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:16 pm Posts: 2296
...say it here!!!
OK so this thread is going to be a sticky where you get a chance to be complimentary, say nice things, and give motivational encoragement to your fellow skaters!]
ARRG are really good at this anyway, but there can never be too much ARRG love!!
Ok here's the rules:
1. THE ONLY POSTS ALLOWED ON THIS THREAD ARE STRAIGHTFORWARD COMPLIMENTS TO ARRG lovelies - try and keep them derby related! About someone's skating or their work for ARRG!
2. If you make a post, you have to give one compliment to the person who posted just before you (but you can give as many compliements as you like in a thread - e.g. you see someone do something awesome at practice - but forget to tell them - come on here and post it!)
3. I'll copy this thread so it's in the New Skater Chat Section, and the General Section of da forum!
OK I'll start:
[color=#00FF00]Today I saw everyone working really hard with really determined looks on their faces! I saw *Steph* really concentrate on her derby stance, and I saw *Valks* do really well in the five minute skate! It was really good! color] xxxx
_________________ Daisy Disease: Drink Beer, Worship Skatin'.
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Crotch Lightning
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:27 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:47 pm Posts: 1746
Daisy Disease is the best at motivating people and making them want to skate their hardest. She is a positivity ninja. She is one of the most dedicated people I have ever met and was really cheery and helpful today (and always is in general).
Today I also saw Feeroshima do some really perfect crossovers which was amazing. I also think Spanner is really good and dedicated and is going to be amazing in no time at all. I also saw Heather do a lot of really good work and be pretty much the most confident I have seen her be! Blaze is a phenomenal skater and really speedy and wonderful for someone so new. She was a really helpful glamorous assistant today.
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I P Freely
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:04 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:28 am Posts: 229 Location: Leith
jazz skates like a demon and was very sportswomanly when i basically broke her insides the other night (i'm so sorry!). She also cheers the best and is such a positive influence.
Debris harry blocked well and made great spaces for the jammer on friday night, and on her first time! You are gonna be awesome in no time!
And cider, who is arrg as nails and makes me want to hit harder and faster.
_________________ LEITHAL
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Switchblade Jade
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:09 am |
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:57 am Posts: 659 Location: Auld Reekie!
IP freely is progressing really quick, and I love her dedication for skating even when her work stops her getting to practice, especially the fact that she organised a monday night outdoor skate for people! She also has a nice wee collection of american apparel gear!!
_________________ Rock n' Rollerskates
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Debris Harry
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:00 am |
Joined: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:20 am Posts: 496
*Aw shucks - thanks IP!* I haven't really skated with Switch yet but she is an amazing ARRG ambassador who does a fab job keeping us newer skaters in the loop and encouraging us to get involved via email. I would like to give shout outs to Pixel Junkie for being a kick ass skater and a tip-top-notch arrg lovely. KASLAM who despite having a bad knee remains so positive, involved and encouraging. I REALLY hope you're able to get back on skates soon! And also Cherry who got me through my laps on Fri so I could participate in Bout Night and who's been kind enough to let me try her wheels  xxx
_________________ ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb!
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Dirty Mags
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:03 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:28 pm Posts: 427 Location: Edinburgh
Debris has such determination and natural ability. No matter how nervous or uncertain she is, she just throws herself at any challenge and always manages to do brilliantly! She's also just a lovely and wonderful person  I love skating with her on Wednesdays! Part-Bionic is so supportive of everyone and is always quick to be nice to people. She's like a wee ray of sunshine! She's also done really well to progress as quick as she did, and I was really proud of her in her first bout! Blaze! What a demon. I would be so envious of her and her natural talent were it not for the fact that she's also super lovely! I loved watching her skate in her first bout - you wouldn't have known that it was her first bout at all! Aww man, I could write all day I'll stop at three here. But I could write MORE. 
_________________ Pain is fleeting, glory is forever!
Rec 'n' Roll
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Alma Geddon
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:12 pm |
Joined: Fri May 01, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 1835
Vicious Valkyrie has a heck of a lot of heart & determination, she works hard & pushes herself at every session she can get to.
She's also one of the most sweet natured lovely individuals I've had the pleasure to meet
My loving wife's getting a mention next, for not only is Bob wise & funny & pretty & beautiful, she's also an amazing blocker with superpowers of stability~MY WIFE DOESN'T GO DOWN! As if that wasn't enough, she's the one person in the whole of ARRG that truely understands all my strangenesses & can always talk some sense into me without making me feel silly in the process.

Train like machines~play like machines!
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Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:49 pm |
Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:44 pm Posts: 2
I would just like to say that Jazzasuarus,Daisy Disease and Blaze were all really great help on sunday.I really struggled at times and at one point i couldn't even get up.I felt really down at the time because i was the only one that was stuggeling so much but thanks to the support from the girls i (eventually) got up and got on with it!!!The tips i was getting from them were great help too.Thanks again guys,huuuugs xxx
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Bobscene Behaviour
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:51 pm |
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:15 pm Posts: 560
JO has really really improved recently (not that she was bad to start with!) i watched her with total awe in glasgow as her blocking was amaaazing, really deserves to play with the Thistles.. ZILLAH i actually watched her properly for the first time and realised just how flippin awesome she is at jammin! all her wee hops and jumps.. incredible ZERO not derby related.. but she has such a great smile.. it totally cheers me up when she grins at me MAGS i am so so so proud of mags.. she never gives up, is soo determined and has come such a long way... and we have brilliant chats. DANGER sexy as hell (im soo jealous!) and just lovely. Had such a bit impact on me (and i dont know if she knows) from one simple chat in the car one night on the way home.. ALMA and wifey... just the sweetest, loveliest awesome burd! has soo much drive, and has become a derby whizz! and awesome SnT spokesy! and tells me how it is, which i totally respect. and has an amazing arse. 
_________________ Bobscene  Behaviour
"I'm not insane...just selective about the reality I choose to accept..."
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Switchblade Jade
Post subject: Re: If you've got something nice to say... Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:06 pm |
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:57 am Posts: 659 Location: Auld Reekie!
Bob is someone I count as a power line up for the Belles, she is the unstoppable blocker, totally agile but really there is no messing with her. Amazing to have in a pack with lesser experienced skaters as she'll literally just fling people about, which makes me laugh. It's always great having bob on the team!
When I was at praccy last weds, I was watching (from the 'injured runts' room) and seeing some people skate that i'd not seen for ages and wanted to shout out to Emma St John, as I thought her improvement was hella impressive!
Debris Harry also suprised me with the hardness of her hits! For such a lovely demure looking lass you totally will kick butt when you start bouting! Love that element of suprise!
_________________ Rock n' Rollerskates
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