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Mo B Quick
Post subject: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:25 pm |
Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:04 pm Posts: 831 Location: You'll have to be fast to find out! ;-)
Hi, here is the info for Wednesday's bout! Timings are a little tight at the beginning, but we have minimal setting up to do. Please can everyone be READY by 7:15? Timings: 7:15: Split into teams by assessors 7:30: Warm up 7:30: Captain & Alternate* meeting 7:30: NSO briefing 7:45: Crew meeting
8:00: Start
8:30: 10 min half time
8:40: 2nd half
9:10: End, cool down 9:15: Debrief & stretch 9:30: Hall to be cleared *Teams may appoint a Captain by themselves. Line up managers will act as Alternate. Skaters (in no particular order): Knock-Turnal Kirds n Slay Bint Imperial Irn Lu Deep Fried Pixxie Booty Lou Irn Mayhem Circuit Breaker Admiral Attackbar Midget Gems KillaWatts Maulibu Barbie Demon Speeding Adrena-Lin Yin & Bang Double D-Struction Et Tu Brutal Pummel-a Kiki Nat I P Freely Demolition Daisy Hymen Trouble (TBC) Psychobeing (TBC) Caustic Kitty (TBC)
*HAVE I MISSED ANYONE? This was everyone who has said they will be skating, if your name is not here, please let me know! Assessors: Mo B Quick Fay Bentos C Lightning Crazylegs (will also be leading warm ups and pre-bout pep talk!) Lilo & Stitches Blazin Phoenix Alma Geddon Ciderella Bronx Betty Zillah NSOs: Head - Shootin' Annie Jam timer - Danger Mouth Assistant Jam timer - Bulletproof Glass Score tracker - Shootin' Annie Score tracker - Tartan Tearaway Penalty tracker - Skinn'er Alive Penalty tracker - Apocalypse Cow Penalty wrangler - Lois Maim Inside whiteboard - Xanadu Damage Inside whiteboard - Sunny Sheeba Outside whiteboard - Sharkee Outside whiteboard - Debris Harry Penalty box supervisor - Velosidy Penalty box assistant - Anarchick Penalty box assistant - Depeche Maude
(If we get more volunteers we will be able to add: Lineup tracker x 2 Score checker) And finally (well done to all who have managed to read all the way down...) Skaters, on the night you are welcome to ask for a gander at the specific things we'll be assessing you on... but basically, they come down to the following areas: *Stability (this is the most important one!) *Endurance *Knowledge of the game *Pack awareness *Communication Remember, we've been assessing everyone continually so don't get disheartened if you have a bad jam... it's not the 'be all and end all'. However, it IS your last chance to shine until the next home team intake*, so play your hardest. Also remember to keep breathing and HAVE FUN! *date TBA after we're through this round of team selection (i.e. soon!) Thanks everyone, looking forward to it! Mo (o.b.o SnT) XX
(edited to add skaters)
_________________ Tits over toes, mind over matter...
Last edited by Mo B Quick on Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Maulibu Barbie
Post subject: Re: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:27 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:07 am Posts: 67 Location: Edinburgh
Just browsing around checking out some video's to psych myself up for this, and found this handy (har de har) hand signal video: ... ata_player
I love the 'on location' vibe they've got going on 
Onwards and upwards xx Barbie
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I P Freely
Post subject: Re: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:51 pm |
Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:28 am Posts: 229 Location: Leith
I'm not on the list!!
_________________ LEITHAL
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Post subject: Re: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:56 am |
Joined: Tue May 03, 2011 2:35 pm Posts: 29
Hello  I've e-mailed Mo already but thought I'd mention on here just to be on the safe side I'd like to play also Pum x
_________________ Just keep pumming...
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Mo B Quick
Post subject: Re: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:36 pm |
Joined: Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:04 pm Posts: 831 Location: You'll have to be fast to find out! ;-)
Cool, I've added the latest updates - I knew there would be way more than the original 15 or so I had, but I just put anyone who I had an email reply from on the list! Sorry if anyone slipped under the radar.
NB - if you're not on the list but have passed mins but not been signed off as bout ready, you can still play! It just makes life a whoooole lot easier for SnT if you let us know in advance. Thanks xxx
_________________ Tits over toes, mind over matter...
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Midget Gems
Post subject: Re: Improvers' bout THIS WEDS - important info! Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:53 pm |
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:34 pm Posts: 87
I'm sooo nervous!!
_________________ Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most......
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