The next workshop is tomorrow,
Tuesday 4th at 7-9pm, Chrystal Macmillan Building, George Square.
We will be working together to *storyboard* the 'linking' shots that will run between each film segment, this is quite exciting. We'll use flipchart paper and take turns sketching each shot and deciding on the audio, so that we can plan the linking segments as a group...
The 'equipment fun day' or 'getting to know the camera' is now scheduled for
7pm Thursday 13th October, venue TBC
- let me know if you'd like to come along to either or both.
And it is not too late to sign up to a 'production team' for filming, let me know if you're interested in working on filming any of the following segments:
1. Rocky Montage of Training
2. ARRG's Journey from the Past to the Future
3. Away Bout Road Trip
4. The Hard Work of Running ARRG
5. Skaters' Points of View (interviews/Monologues over training footage with creative interpretations)
6. Audience Interviews and Footage
7. All the Aspects of Putting on a Home Bout